Common Data Fields & Buttons


Surname / First name / Initial

Enter the recipient's surname, first name and initial in the appropriate field. Due to electronic filing requirements, these fields may be limited to a specific length. Some forms, such as the T5 and the RL3, will display different recipient name entry fields depending upon whether the recipient is an individual, a corporation or otherwise.


Address line 1

Enter the first line of the recipient's address. Due to electronic filing requirements, this field may be limited in length.


Address line 2

Enter the second line of the recipient's address, if applicable. Due to electronic filing requirements, this field may be limited in length.


City / Province

Enter the city and province of the recipient's address. Due to electronic filing requirements, these fields may be limited in length. Valid province names are selectable from the list displayed by double clicking the province field.


Postal code / Country

Enter the postal code and country of the recipient's address. Due to electronic filing requirements, the postal code field is limited to 10 characters (to allow for both Canadian postal codes and USA zip codes) and the country field is limited to 3 characters. Valid country names are selectable from the list displayed by double clicking the country field.


Tax Year

Enter the taxation year to which the slip applies. Due to electronic filing requirements, the tax year field is limited to 4 characters.


Social Insurance Number

Enter the recipient's SIN. Due to electronic filing requirements, the SIN field is limited to 17 characters. On some forms where the recipient has been identified as a corporation you may be required to enter the recipient's business number instead.


Status of Slip / Relevé Code

Enter the appropriate code to designate whether the slip is an original, cancelled or amended slip. For federal information slips and the RL1 & RL3 provincial (Québec) information slips, the options are:


O - Original designation on CRA information slips ("R" on RQ information slips)
A - Amended designation on CRA & RQ information slips
C - Cancelled designation on CRA information slips ("D" on RQ information slips)


Errors and Warnings

Messages regarding incomplete or missing data will be displayed in this area.


Optional Text to Print on the Slip

Information entered here, to a maximum of 15 characters, will be printed at the top of the slip. This is for internal information you may wish to record on the slip and is not required by either CRA or RQ.


SIN Validation (Most forms)

eForms will check the validity of the SIN entered and will display the contents of the SIN box in red if the SIN is invalid. You can, however, ignore the warning and continue to enter other information. The formula used to test the value of the SIN is found in the CRA Publication: Formulae for Federal and Provincial Deductions for Computer Users.


When the detailed adjustment report is printed or displayed, there will be an asterisk beside any invalid SIN values.


Status of Slip (Most Forms)

Select "O" ("R" on RQ information slips) for original, "A" for amended or "C" ("D" on RQ information slips) for cancelled. This will also permit the slip to be included or excluded appropriately when the "Original slips only," “Amended slips only” or “Cancelled slips only” options are chosen when creating reports.


Go To Summary Button

Click on this button to display the summary for the current employer. The data entry screen for the current slip will remain available via a tab beneath the toolbar.